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Understanding Trend Zone Analysis: A Simple Guide for Investors.

1. Trend Zone Characteristic Analysis: Bullish Zone: The bullish zone represents a region where there is a strong potential for buying activity, indicating an overall robust buying strength. It encompasses both an 'uptrend' and a 'correction trend.' In the uptrend, there is a strong buying intensity leading to significant upward momentum with occasional minor downward movements. On the other hand, the correction trend indicates a weakening buying strength, resulting in limited upward movements and gentle declines or temporary downward trends. When the trend consistently remains within the bullish zone, the uptrend and correction trend alternate, creating a stair-step upward momentum. This pattern maximizes cumulative gains. Bearish Zone: The bearish zone signifies an area where there is a strong potential for selling activity, indicating a persistent selling pressure. It involves a 'downtrend' and a 'rebound trend.' In the downtrend, there is a strong

How to view pretiming analysis.

The pretiming analysis system relies on the most recent 120-day data for daily stock prices and the most recent 120-week data for weekly stock prices. Daily stock prices reflect short-term fluctuations, so when there are rapid changes in stock prices, the system can quickly reflect and predict them. On the other hand, When predicting weekly stock prices, short-term variables such as daily fluctuations within the typical weekly price range are not usually considered in the prediction model. As a result, the predicted weekly trend may differ from the expected daily fluctuations. However, if a large upward or downward movement occurs outside the typical weekly price range, it may immediately affect the prediction model and alter the predicted trend for the weekly time frame. This is an important factor to consider when making weekly stock price predictions. A Guide that explains how to view pretiming analysis information pretiming chart < Click on

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