
Showing posts from October 30, 2023

TSLA Stock Analysis: Assessing Short-term Bearish Trends and Potential Rebound Strategies.

  TSLA Daily Stock Analysis: Navigating Short-term Downtrends and Assessing Rebound Potential. Summary: Tesla, Inc.'s daily stock performance has been in a bearish zone for the past nine days, exhibiting a downtrend followed by a rebound trend. On October 30th, the stock clearly showed a downtrend, especially evident from the low being 6.09% below the average low fluctuation of -3.4%. This indicates a strong selling pressure. In the short term, this downtrend is expected to continue for another two days. However, there are signs of weakening selling pressure, suggesting a potential rebound trend starting around Wednesday or Thursday this week. Even in a rebound scenario, the buying pressure remains weak, indicating a limited upward movement within the range of $185 to $200. The current daily trend is in the bearish zone, signifying a strong potential for further selling. Therefore, long-term investment strategies are not advisable at this point. A suitable entry point could be cons

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